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October 30th, the Club fished the Pantana de Beniarres just past Alcoy in the north of Alicante Province. This water has restricted access to many of the zones and with the water level down to 14.07%, this makes fishing even more difficult.

The match was held in two halves, with a stop half way through to weigh in, because of the low oxygen levels in the water. It is not fair on the fish to have them in a keep net for too long under these circumstances.

The result was a win for Roy Buttress with a weight of 13.42kg, second was Pete Kerr with 12.36kg, third Steve Collins with 10.94kg and in fourth place Ann Fowles with 10.74kg. Mostly feeder to pellet/corn, but Pete Kerr was on the pole.

Next week, November 6th, is a return to the Eden Canal, part of the River Segura in Guardamar. Pegs at 8.00, fishing 9.00 till 2.00.

The next Quiz night is on Tuesday November 11th, commencing at 7.30 pm. Teams of 6 or less are welcome to come and take part. Cost of entry is 1€ per person.

The next Sunday meeting is on 16th November, with the Committee meeting at 10.30 and the General Meeting at 11.00.

As previously requested please bring cups back by this date. The Clubs home is the bar El Alto La Dolores which can be found just off the N332 between La Mata and Guardamar, near the Repsol garage.

For further information please ring 966717923 or visit the website

La Marina