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09/07/11 - Free PC Clinic

Come down and join us if you're in the Gran Alacant area and would like computer help.

We run a Free PC Clinic every Saturday from 11:00 - 13:00. Please feel free to visit us in Gran Alacant if you're nearby at all - everyone is welcome!

You can use this link to see where we are on Google Maps:,-0.524436&spn=0.006549,0.013937 - We're the marker that says Gran Alacant Services.

Driving instructions are here:,+Elche,+Spain&daddr=Gran+Alacant+Services+%4038.226664,-0.523422&hl=en&sll=38.190225,-0.58688&sspn=0.104832,0.222988&geocode=FQUPRgIdPCb2_ynDVwieeLJjDTGwpkdSca8CCg%3BFehKRwIdYgP4_w&mra=ls&dirflg=t&t=h&z=13

When you arrive we are actually above Destination bar, take the stairs up, first office on the right.



18 People died on spanish roads last weekend, 8 more than the same period last year, according to highways agency DGT.


Thats very high considering some of the measures the Spanish government has adopted, but having said that the general driving standards here are very poor. Does anybody know what driving standards at training centres are like?

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-08 07:25:40 UTC


Holiday bookings to Spain from one leading UK company have soared 15%. The boost before the main summer season follows a decision made by hundreds of brits to turn their backs on Greece and Northern Africa. The survey carried out involved more than 130,000 holidays booked and was undertaken by the Co-operative Travel a UK based company.
Portugal and Malta also saw an increase in bookings with 20% and 32% respectively.
I think this can only be good news for businesses in general and we now hope the tide starts to turn for the better.


Great news as you say for businesses here in Spain. We need more of this to help the country out of this horrible recession and help people get back into work desperately.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-08 07:21:59 UTC

painting and decorating services!!

Is your house in need of a tidy up with a lick of paint? My name is Chris George, I have some very competative prices on internal and external painting starting at 6 euros per square meter,,, most companys are starting at about 8 euros!!!
email mail me at [email protected] or phone 625101299, Costa Calida and Blanca areas covered.

La Marina Urb

Hi all in La Marina, have been unable to visit this year so far, but September is calling.Worthing in sussex is windy and wet, so stop moaning.

La Marina


I have just had the figures sent to me by Google for last month, to show how many people have been reading your post and comments on La Marina, and it make for very interesting reading.

On average 488 people per day turned to the forum pages to read about what is going on in La Marina and follow the events on your Urb. The most popular topics being about the new local government and the pet rescue. And on average each person spent 8 minutes reading what you had put.

Its great to be informed as to what is going on in the area so please keep us updated. Not every one likes to add to the debate but most like to keep an eye on things.

Those are rather good figures Thanks for the update Steve.
When you think we only started the Forum just over 8 weeks ago. Plus up to now 112 persons in La Marina have registered as members of this our Free Speech Forum. But far more are using it as a way of getting Local Information.
Well done all of you but we have only just started - just keep posting.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-05 14:31:07 UTC

I personally would say these are Excellent figures for postings and viewings on this relatively new Forum. I saw that somebody had posted, yesterday I believe it was, that this forum was small and that the counsellor's would not be bothered to post. I strongly disagree with you - for a start as the figures state, this is not a small Forum and it is growing constantly and from what I can gather Jeff Wiszniewski was answering questions and doing postings before he went away for his wedding ! I would like to say *Very Well Done* to A Spanish Life Forum - Keep up the good work. This is the sort of Forum that we need with no trivial restrictions on anything you post.

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-07-05 15:52:53 UTC

Can I please make a plea, if you are out somewhere and you see an event advertised would you please jot the details down and put the details up here on or rather in the EVENTS section.
To earn two brownie points possible explain to the owner of the Venue that they could list it up here for FREE thats the hard part explaining that it is free.
Keep in mind to tell them that we have nearly 500 visitors per day.
Plus people really do want to know whats on and where to go for a change.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-07 21:32:10 UTC


We are glad to offer to the members of the Forum the legal services of our Law Firm based in Torrevieja and La Marina area. We offer all kind of legal services, like propety conveyance, Wills, litigation as well as very competitive business, house and car insurances. For more information, please visit our website

It would be a good idea if you also added yourself into the listings section on this site. It is Free plus unlike a wall posting it will always be there for when people are looking for your service.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-07 21:07:19 UTC

Hi Oscar
Welcome to the Forum !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-07 21:21:25 UTC

WEDNESDAY 6TH JULY - From 6pm till late at the Kingfisher bar & tapas Indian restaurant, Playa Flamenca

WEDNESDAY 6TH JULY - From 6pm till late at the Kingfisher bar & tapas Indian restaurant, Playa Flamenca

This is an evening for everybody to get together, enjoy themselves and hopefully raise some funds for the Little Pod Foundation, who rescue & care for animals in need & are doing fantastic work.


There will be a quiz (starts at 8pm) hosted by Paul our fabulous quiz master, a raffle, some games and possibly some extra entertainment later in the evening.

Richard & Pinky, the owners, have always supported us which has helped us to continue the work we do.

Their full menu will be available on the night but there is also some Special Offers for anybody attending this event:

The Bombay Platter 7.95 euros per person
New Fish Pakora & Chips 5.00 euros per person
New Homemade Bombay Burger & Chips 5.00 euros per person

They will also be offering some drinks at a reduced price:
Small Beer 1.00 euro
Large Beer 2.00 euros
Glass of Wine 1.50 euros
Soft Drinks 1.00 euro

Happy Hour between 6pm and 8pm - Large Beer ONLY 1.50 euros

Please come along and join us in supporting this marvelous charity, meet the great team of people that work so hard to help animals in this area and feel free to bring your friends with you.

Many thanks,
Little Pod Foundation

The Kingfisher bar & tapas Indian restaurant

Centro Commercial units 9/10
Urbanizacion Miraflores IV
Avenida Parana,
Playa Flamenca
966 189 333

Map on this page


A message from the charity - Little Pod Foundation.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of those people that came and supported our event last night. We had a great turn out and a wonderful time (even 3 powercuts couldn't spoil our night)!!

So a huge thank you to Richard and Pinky at Kingfisher Indian Restaurant, Linda at Medaesthetics for donating some wonderful prizes, Paul the one and only quiz master, of course to Henry who is now a celebrity, Ron at RMC-Photography and to everybody else that supports our wonderful Foundation. We couldn't do what we do without your continued help and support.

We raised a staggering 531.00 euros What an amazing achievement!!!

Thanks again to everyone who work so hard for and on behalf of the Little Pod Foundation.

I am proud to work as a volunteer for this wonderful charity. Henry BTW is a tiny pup who Angela Stacey of Little Pod Foundation took on recently after a member of a local forum posted asking for help after her young daughter found him alone, aged no more than 3 weeks, on waste land in Quesada.

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-07-07 20:39:27 UTC


The new Mayor of Torrevieja was sworn in last friday 1st July 2011.His name is Eduardo Dolon and on taking his place on centre stage his fisrt words were "the best mayor of Torreveija Pedro Hernandez Mateo has dignified the institution in his work for a better Torrevieja.
Lets see what he can do for Torrevieja!!!!


Unwanted Items

If anyone is having a clear-out please let me know as the S.A.T's Charity Shop is always looking for items to sell. I have been informed that the only thing they will not take is Husbands hahahaha

Are you trying to sell Ronnie off Linda ha ha x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-04 10:02:39 UTC

Hahahaha well he is good at ironing lol x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-04 12:08:52 UTC

OK make him a little bed at the back of the shop then hee! hee!

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-05 07:48:39 UTC

As Ronnie is 6ft 1" tall I think he would need a BIG bed lol x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-05 20:27:49 UTC

ooohhhh lovelt he will be sooo cosy hee hee

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-06 17:15:21 UTC

Sounds good Eve xx

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-06 17:37:09 UTC

Great Eve, lets hope people have things they dont want that you could use, could you let them know where to bring things please x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-06 19:41:20 UTC

We have a spare glass desk we would like to rehome. I am unable to deliver but it's available for anyone willing to collect from Gran Alacant.

They can drop off these items in the shop and if they say its for the fete the staff will put them away.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-07 17:48:29 UTC
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